Despite the fact that I am not a proponent of weight loss and diet pills, I do believe that there are natural products out there that provide an added bonus to a diet and exercise regime. Products that send up a red flag in my book are ones that it say, “eat whatever you want, as much as you want, you just need miracle pill X.” Pleeeeeaaase. That is a bunch of BS. Yes, they might work for the time but we all want results that last!
I recently discovered a product called SlimQuick Pure, which contains natural ingredients, including antioxidants, calcium, vitamin D and BioPure Green Tea and it has zero calories! Could a product like this really work? I put it to the test.
Over a two week period, I had two packets of SlimQuick Pure per day, exercised nearly every day (skipped two days) and watched my food consumption. I still had pasta one night and didn’t deprive myself. It’s all about moderation – not depravation. What I found was that I actually was not all that hungry. I began craving salads over sandwiches and cucumber sticks over potato chips. Somehow SlimQuick Pure was not only decreasing my appetite but making me crave healthier options.
In fact, I lost five pounds in just two weeks. SlimQuick Pure is easy to pack and take with you wherever go. Just throw it on your purse, mix with a bottle of water and enjoy a slimmer figure year round!
Guess what? Because you’re a reader of The Wellist, you get a discount! Just click on this link and start trying SlimQuick Pure today!
The post was sponsored by WellNX, as always my opinions are my own.